How to migrate

Follow these steps to migrate your tokens to the current v3

1 - Go to

Remember to choose the v3 selector to make your migration

2 - Here you will see the balance of v1 and v2 tokens that you have in your wallet

3 - You can also see the different liquidity that you own in the v1 or v2 version of the tokens

Liquidity of v1 or v2 is managed on PancakeSwap

4 - Once you confirm the amount of tokens you are going to migrate, press the Approve button and confirm your gas transaction on your wallet

5 - You will have 1 transaction to approve the migration, 1 transaction to approve the spend of the v1/v2 tokens and the final transaction to the migration to v3. In total you will make between 3 to 6 transactions depending of the amount of tokens that you have in v2 or v2 versions. 6 - Once confirmed all the transactions, the swap will be made between v1/v2 tokens to the v3 versions:

You will swap NFTL v1/v2 for DAOS

You will swap CTF v1/v2 for CTF

The swap will be made in a 1:1 ratio, so you will receive the same number of tokens that you had in previous versions

Now you are ready to enjoy the v3 of CyberTime!

Last updated