About Celo


Celo was designed to enable a new universe of financial solutions accessible for mobile users and takes a mobile-first approach that provides the opportunity to positively impact 6B+ smartphone owners globally, creating a global financial ecosystem where an end-user can onboard into the Celo ecosystem with just a mobile number.

Celo’s technology innovations allow it to truly work across devices, carriers, and countries. Celo uses a novel Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus protocol and a hyper-efficient light client. With its interoperability, cross-chain compatibility, and vision for currency inclusivity, Celo enables digital assets to circulate at extremely low costs and high speeds across devices, carriers, and countries, making money mobile, global and accessible like never before. Celo is supported by a mission-aligned network of technologists and international organizations committed to building an inclusive financial system that creates the conditions for prosperityβ€”for everyone.

Celo’s mobile-first approach to user-first decentralized finance (DeFi) means everyone has equal access to powerful financial tools and services – no matter who they are or where they live – creating convenient, financial opportunities for anyone who is online and on their mobile phones.

Celo operates two native tokens: CELO, a governance asset for voting on changes to the protocol and Celo Dollars (cUSD), a stablecoin mirroring the value of the US dollar.

More information here https://docs.celo.org/learn/celo-whitepapers

Add Celo blockchain to your wallet: Network Name: Celo Mainnet New RPC URL: https://forno.celo.org Chain ID: 42220 Currency Symbol (Optional): CELO Block Explorer URL (Optional): https://explorer.celo.org

Last updated