SAVENFT by CyberTime

We create SAVENFT (SAFEMOON Fork) to support Crypto Artists and NFT market. With every SAVENFT transaction, there is a purchase of NFTL and CTF tokens, which are the basis of the CyberTime NFT Fantasy League.



Total supply: 86,400,000,000,000 SAVENFT

How it works: The CyberTime SAVENFT token operates on 4 basic principles: Reflection, LP Acquisition, Burn, NFT support

9% commission on any transaction is distributed as follows:

  • 3% goes to all token holders

  • 3% goes to LP creation with a 50/50 split (token/BNB)

  • 2% goes to CTF redemption and is transferred to DAO Fund

  • 1% goes to NFTL redemption and is transferred to DAO Fund

What is the value of the token?

  1. Within the ecosystem the token will be used to buy the NFT Time Collection and other non Fantasy League collections (https://docs.cybertime.finance/products/nft-time-collection).

  2. To purchase collections from CyberTime within NFT Fantasy League

  3. Use the token to support young authors and projects in the NFT (can become the basis of the NFT accelerator)


  • 5% Community sale

  • 5% IDO sale

  • 5% CyberTime DAO Fund

  • 5% CyberTime DAO NFT Accelerator

  • 50% will be burned in first 1-2 month

  • 30% locked LP in Locker for 4 years

5-steps roadmap

  1. Hold a community presale and distribute 5% of tokens Softcap = $60k Hardcap = $150k

  2. Organize token fork, audit, and marketing

  3. Conduct IDO and distribute 5% independently or on popular Launchpad platform Softcap = $200k Hardcap = $1M The funds raised are distributed according to the scheme: 50% liquidity / 50% marketing, listing on CEX, development

  4. Honest listing on DEX with capitalization depending on the amount raised during IDO. After that we submitting an application for listing in Coingecko and Coinmarketcap

  5. Listing on CEX exchange in 2-3 weeks

Why CyberTime needs a 3rd token?

We decided to draw attention to the problem of NFT adaptation in the cryptocurrency world. The cryptocurrency market is very dynamic, so when the market drops, NFT tokens feel very vulnerable and unprotected. SAVENFT aims to solve this problem. It works in such a way that every transaction will redeem NFTL / CTF tokens, which are basic to the existence of NFT Fantasy League. NFT Fantasy League is an oasis for crypto-artists and their NFTs. By buying SAVENFT and holding it you are supporting Crypto Artists, NFT and CyberTime.

Why launch a new token instead of focusing on current tasks?

Running SaveNFT has several advantages for CyberTime at once.

  1. We will be able to expand the team and solve current NFT Fantasy League tasks faster

  2. We will launch global marketing for the new SAVENFT token, which will draw attention to existing NFTL and CTF tokens. We took into account all the points of the first launch, so we now have a good understanding of what to do, when to do it, and how to do.

  3. The SAVENFT tokenomics are structured in such a way that there will be NFTL and CTF redemption from each transaction. These tokens will go to the DAO fund, and then to the development of projects in the NFT market.

  4. SAVENFT has real-world applications. We originally wanted to launch the NFT Time Collection, which exists separately from the NFT Fantasy League. NFT Time Collection is exactly where the new token will be used. We also have auctions for NFT Fantasy League with a CTF buyback. We thought about doing them for BNB, but now SAVENFT will take that place.

How and when will the community sale run?

The community sale will run for 24 hours. Next week, we will announce the exact start date of the sale. The purchase will take place in your personal cabinet on the cybertime.finance website. To give everyone the opportunity to participate we introduce the limit on maximum purchase of tokens from one wallet - 8 BNB. To buy SAVENFT we plan to use the following tokens: BNB

Last updated