
Q1 2021 - Launch CyberTime Farming on cybertime.farm on Binance Smart Chain #BSC - Create NFTL & CTF liquidity pools on PancakeSwap - Create a unique NFT collection for farmers & stakers in Cyber Farming Week #1 - Community contests (MEME, Sticker pack, Evangelist)

Q2 2021 - Launch of the light version of the NFT Fantasy League and testing on users among the community - Implement a balanced Fantasy Challenge mechanic - Crypto Artists Tokens Marketplace - Launch the first version of NFT Time Collection

Q3 2021 - Launch of the NFT League Platform and the start of the first season of the league - Recruitment of participants for the DAO Fund on cybertime.fund - Bridge development start ERC-721 / 1155 <=> BEP-721 / 1155 - Issue a token and exchange system for NFT Time Collection

Q4 2021 - Start packing the NFT League into the Fantasy League Platform service - Launch voting system for CTF holders at snapshot.page - NFT League Season 1 Grand Final

Last updated