🏦DAO Fund & Accelerator


CyberTime Fund

Within the league, all stages will be divided into 2 directions of payments: BNB & NFTL

During the BNB stage: voting, Fantasy Team formation, auction sale will be for BNB. Accordingly, during the NFTL stage, all calculations will be in this token.

All income from BNB stages is distributed as follows: - 50% goes to the buyback of CTF tokens at the market price and this CTF tokens goes to CTF/BNB pool stakers - 50% goes to the buyback of CTF tokens at the market price and this CTF tokens goes to the Community Development Fund

Distributes all income from NFTL stages as follows: - 50% goes to Community Development Fund - 50% goes to NFTL/BNB pool stakers

The team will not have access to Community Dev Fund. The distribution of the amount will take place through the voting of the token holders

Voting system: - We will launch a voting system on the https://snapshot.page platform. - Each owner of 8 CTF tokens can vote. - Each owner of 864 CTF tokens can create proposal

CyberTime Accelerator

On the basis of the Community Development Fund, we plan to launch the DAO Accelerator to develop an entire ecosystem of CyberTime-based products and support promising teams and crypto artists. The main condition is that part of the profit will go to the redemption of NFTL & CTF tokens, which will be returned back to the DAO Fund.

Last updated