NFT Mystery ​​Box Platform

A platform for creating your own Mystery Box, selling and buying it - Create new NFTs or add existing ones from your collection to the Mystery Box - Set the likelihood of an item drop, the sale price and the reward - Self-service & No-code solution

Tokenomics Symbol: SAVENFT Total supply: 86,400,000,000,000 SAVENFT First deflationary token to support NFT artists Fee on all transactions - 5% 2% - all holders 2% - Marketing + Buyback 1% - LP Distribution: 2% - CyberTime challenge 38% - SAVENFT farming for 30 days 30% - LP Locked for 5 years 30% - burning everyday for first 30 days - Fair launch with only 1 farming stage! - No team share! - 30% will be burn in first 30 days Community distribution In the period from July 19, 15:00 UTC to August 9, 15:00 UTC, everyone who buys and holds 100,000 NFTL and above participates in the SAVENFT distribution and receives bonus points. If you buy NFT on NFTL.art, you get a point multiplier: Rare - x0.1 Epic - x0.25 Legendary - x0.5 Genesis - x2 Prize places will be distributed:

1st place - 0.7% 2nd place - 0.4% 3rd place - 0.2% 4th-10th place - 0.1%

Total - 2% SAVENFT Farming There will be 3 singe pools. SAVENFT distribution will be distributed among the pools as follows. BUSD - 30% CTF - 5% NFTL - 3% There will be only one farming stage! The commissions in the pools will be only for the deposit and will be different BUSD - 5% CTF & NFTL - 3% LP Locked Before starting farming, we will create an LP with 30% of SAVENFT tokens with 5 BNB and block them on the http://unicrypt.network/ or other service for 5 years Token Burning We will create a smart contract where we will send 30% of the tokens. Every day from the beginning of farming, the smart contract will burn 1% of tokens during the first 30 days

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